Quilted Gardens and Nursery

19635 130th Ave

Indianola IA 50125

They are a garden center tucked in the country-side just south of Indianola. They offer a wide variety of unusual perennials and a diverse group of unusual and hard-to-find trees, shrubs, flowering trees, shrubs, and conifers unique to this area of the Midwest. Their diverse assortment of plants will enliven the gardens of the collector to the backyard enthusiast to the townhome or condominium owner.

Whether you have a small space or endless spaces, new or old, they will help you achieve the garden of your dreams. In addition to all things plants, they offer a variety of vintage and unusual garden items as well.

Be sure to keep them in mind for landscaping, and as an educational resource! Their website is https://www.quiltedgardens.com/index.html and follow on Facebook too!